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Table 1 Publications on head lice or pediculosis in Pacific Island Countries or Territories

From: A systematic literature review of pediculosis due to head lice in the Pacific Island Countries and Territories: what country specific research on head lice is needed?

Author (year) citation number


Type of study



Classification of study


Wohlfahrt (1982) [29]

Death with skin ulceration and respiratory failure after self-application of paraquat to head to treat pediculosis

Case report

1 adult male

Papua New Guinea (Western Highlands Province)

Original research; descriptive

No value in informing local guidelines

Eason & Tasman-Jones (1985) [28]

Pediculosis prevalence in Western Province

Cross sectional survey

10,224 total (5,160 < 15 years of age)

Solomon Islands (Western Province)

Original research; measurement

No value in informing local guidelines

Glaziou et al. (1994) [27]

Evaluating the efficacy of oral ivermectin (single oral dose of 0.2 mg/kg) to treat pediculosis

Unblinded single arm therapeutic trial

26 total – 2 males & 24 females aged 5-17 years

French Polynesia

Original research; intervention

Minimal value in informing local guidelines

Thomas (2006) [30]

Ethnomedicine review on use of bark from Galbulimima tree. Mixed with tobacco to treat head lice; no details

Second hand report

No participants

Papua New Guinea (Data collected from Morobe Province)


Minimal value in informing local guidelines

Hodgdon et al. (2010) [23]

Genetic study of kdr resistance genes in head lice from many countries

Louse genetics

3 lice from 1 person

Papua New Guinea (location not given)

Original research; measurement

No value in informing local guidelines