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Table 4 Serotonin and melatonin serum levels* of the UVA-exposed volunteers and non-exposed controls

From: Impact of UVA exposure on psychological parameters and circulating serotonin and melatonin

Serum level




Serotonin (ng/ml)


UVA-exposed (n = 42)

215 ± 75.2

228.7 ± 84.2 a

213.2 ± 69.1 d

Non-exposed (n = 11)

(191.9 ± 53.7)

(198.9 ± 52.4)

(212.5 ± 78.5)

Melatonin (ρg/ml)


UVA-exposed (n = 42)

17.3 ± 15.1

12.5 ± 8b

17.9 ± 20.2 e

Non-exposed (n = 11)

(25.7 ± 19.7)

(20.6 ± 15.3) c

(28.6 ± 41.1)

  1. * Data comprise mean ± SD; a P < 0.001 vs T1; b P = 0.01 vs T1; c P = 0.005 vs T1; d P = 0.02 vs T2; e P 0.03 vs T2