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Table 1 PICOS Elements of the Review Protocol

From: Effectiveness of photodynamic therapy for mammary and extra-mammary Paget's disease: a state of the science review


Inclusion Criteria

Exclusion Criteria

P articipants

Studies of participants diagnosed with Paget's disease (mammary or extramammary, invasive or non-invasive) and 18 years of age or older

Studies of participants under 18 years of age

I ntervention

Any application of a photodynamic therapy alone or in conjunction with another therapy

All wavelengths and light sources will be considered

Any formulation of ALA, including experimental formulations


All intravenous photosensitizers


C omparator

All studies with or without comparators


O utcomes

Any clinical outcome, including (but not restricted to): complete lesion eradication; cosmetic results; patient satisfaction; adverse effects and the need for additional therapy

Studies without any defined clinical outcomes

S tudy Design

Any study design including case series and case reports

Review articles

Economic evaluations

Editorials and opinion pieces