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Figure 5 | BMC Dermatology

Figure 5

From: Phenotypic differences between dermal fibroblasts from different body sites determine their responses to tension and TGFβ1

Figure 5

Effect of serum and TGFβ1 on α-SMA and on apoptosis in fibroblasts. Fibroblasts were analyzed as described in Figure 4. (for examples of actual FACS scans, please, see additional file 3: Additional data #3.ppt). Also A/ α-SMA: The product of [Percentage immunopositive cells]*[GeoMean of the fluorescence distribution – background] was used to estimate the α-SMA content and includes contributions from both viable myofibroblasts (UL quadrant, see Fig. 4) and apoptotic myofibroblasts (UR quadrant, see Fig. 4). The data are average of three experiments with two keloid-palmar pairs and one nonplantar-plantar pair of fibroblast cultures. B/ Apoptosis: The product: [Percentage apoptotic fibroblasts]*[GeoMean TUNEL fluorescence – background] was used to estimate the apoptotic status of the culture with contributions from both fibroblasts (LR) and myofibroblasts (UR). Average of data from three experiments with: two keloids (plotted separately), two palmar cultures (the overall average is plotted) and one normal nonplantar and plantar cultures.

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